Slow Down For Bobby assembly
Comics Youth Saturday Drop In
Attendance Termly Figures
Christmas Fayre and Christmas Jumper Day
Food Donation Thank You
Own Clothes Day for Foodbanks
The Friends of Plantation Annual General Meeting
We are back on Twitter!! @PlantationPS
Message from School Health
Internet Safety - Update
TT Rockstars
Educate Awards 2019
Plantation Planners
Attendance figures for week beginning 27th September.
Social Media Issues
Attendance Rewards
Attendance Figures for week beginning 20th September.
Excellent poem
Attendance Winner - Amazon Fire
Reception Open Evening - November 14th at 5pm
Polite reminder about school uniform
Office Closed 3.10-3.20 each day
Children walking to school and home from school alone.
Messages for the end of year.
RHS Tatton Park Show - children’s build day 1 and 2
Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH
0151 487 5678[email protected]