Extra Curricular Clubs

Our Vision: To create a safe, respectful, and engaging environment where all children can thrive and enjoy their time in our school clubs.

Our Super Values:

• Respect

• Determination

• Kindness

• Honesty


• To ensure a safe, friendly, and fair environment for all children and staff.

• To promote high self-esteem and positive relationships.

• To encourage good behaviour through praise and rewards.

• To work in partnership with parents to support children's behaviour.

Expectations for Children:

1. Respect:

• Treat all staff, peers, and property with respect.

• Use kind hands and feet.

• Speak politely and listen to others.

2. Determination:

• Always try your best and never give up.

• Take responsibility for your actions and behaviour.

• Support others with their learning and activities.

3. Kindness:

• Be kind and helpful to everyone.

• Include others in games and activities.

• Show empathy and understanding towards others.

4. Honesty:

• Own up if something goes wrong.

• Be truthful in your words and actions.

• Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Expectations for Staff and External Providers:

1. Role Models:

• Demonstrate the Super Values in all interactions.

• Set high expectations for behaviour and lead by example.

• Provide a positive and engaging environment.

2. Consistency:

• Apply rules and consequences fairly and consistently.

• Use praise and rewards to encourage good behaviour.

• Address poor behaviour promptly and appropriately.

3. Support:

• Build positive relationships with children and parents.

• Provide support and guidance to help children manage their behaviour.

• Communicate regularly with parents about their child's behaviour and progress.

Rewards and Consequences:


• Verbal praise and encouragement.

• Stickers, certificates, and tokens.

• Special privileges and responsibilities.


• Verbal Warnings: A gentle reminder of the expected behaviour and the Super Values.

• Restorative Chats: A discussion between the child and staff to reflect on the behaviour, its impact, and how to improve.

• Time-Outs: A short period away from the group to calm down and reflect on their behaviour.

• Parental Involvement: Informing parents about the behaviour and seeking their support in addressing it.

• Temporary Suspension: If a child repeatedly engages in serious misbehaviour or if a single incident is particularly severe, the child may be temporarily suspended from attending the club. This provides an opportunity for the child and their parents to address the behaviour before returning.

• Permanent Removal: As a last resort, if a child continues to engage in serious misbehaviour despite previous interventions, or if a single incident is extremely severe, the child may be permanently removed from the club. This decision is made to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.

Health and Safety:

• Follow all health and safety guidelines.

• Ensure children are supervised at all times.

• Report any concerns or incidents to the appropriate staff member.


• Encourage open and honest communication.

• Address any concerns or issues promptly.

• Work together to create a positive and supportive environment.

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

Report an Absence

Child Absence Form