Plantation Primary School has an ethos of always vigilant. All our work, policies and procedures are there to ensure our children are safe and happy in school and beyond.
Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy & Procedures can be found below.
If you have any issues our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
- Mr S Hanley, Headteacher
- Mrs J Fallows, Learning Mentor
and Deputy DSLs:
- Mr C Boulton, Deputy Headteacher
- Mr K Hodgson, Assistant Headteacher
- Mrs Itang Ekoku, Assistant Headteacher
- Mrs E Dundon, SENCO
Our Governors are an integral part of our School Leadership and as such Mr M Parsons is our Link Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor.
Below is a copy of our PREVENT - Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Policy.
Information on 'Keeping Children Safe In Education' can be found at:
Please click here to view our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Please click here to view our Tackling Extremism and Racism Policy
(By clicking the above links you will be redirected to another website called TheSchoolBus)