Mission Statement
It is our vision that all Plantation pupils are given the life skills to enable them to embrace and utilise technology in a socially responsible and safe way. Our children will be equipped to use computational thinking and creativity to participate effectively and safely in this digital world.
At Plantation, we aim to prepare our pupils for the future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for ever-changing digital world. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in our pupil's lives.
Therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely.
Computing is taught for a one week block each term in most year groups except for Year 1 who have weekly sessions. This means that classes in Year 1-6 cover three units per year.
Our computing curriculum is delivered using the NCCE’s Teach Computing Scheme of Work.
Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. These strands are taught discretely through a range of units during a child’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed.
Each unit in each year group has been carefully sequenced and our progression of skills document identifies the skills taught and how learning develops year on year to ensure attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
Online Safety is delivered at the start of each term using planning and resources from Project Evolve. Children build online resilience using this framework which aims to support and broaden the provision of online safety education. Additionally, online safety is taught across a broad and balanced curriculum and embedded within all areas of the curriculum to ensure that pupils are accessing technology safely. As a school, we promote and celebrate Safer Internet Day every February.
We also aim to equip parents with the knowledge they need to understand online dangers and how best to react should an incident arise. Parents have access to online safety courses via National Online Safety and handouts are provided on the school website which include up to date information about a wide variety of social media apps and platforms their child might be using.
Evidence of pupils learning is showcased in a class floor book.
To help with our implementation of the Computing curriculum, we have the following hardware, including: 30 iPads (EYFS), 30 iPads (KS1), 90 iPads (Year 3/4/5) and 1:1 iPads in Year 6. EYFS and Year 1 also have access to BeeBots.
Our Computing Lead conducts a subject moderation cycle every year. This consists of learning walks and pupil voice and informs future adaptions of the schemes of work and helps to ensure that progression is evident throughout the school.
Staff complete annual CPD and this provides staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence to embed online safety into the curriculum with statutory and recommended DfE requirements.
The impact of the Computing Scheme of Work is assessed through the use of End Points based on each unit of learning. The data from the assessed units are shared with the Computing Lead who can use them to inform change within our ever- changing Computing curriculum.
Overall, the Computing curriculum helps pupils at Plantation Primary become confident, responsible, creative and safe users of technology. It builds a foundation that can support future learning, not only in computing but across other areas as well.
Children will recognise the importance of Computing as a facilitating subject to enable them to access other areas of learning and enable them to find the right balance with technology to provide an effective education and a healthy lifestyle for now and in the future.
Long Term Computing Plan
Please click here to view our Long term Computing Plan.
Computing Policy
Please click here to view our Computing Policy.
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