Supporting Mental Health for Parents & Carers

In today’s stressful and face paced world, looking after our mental health is more important than ever, especially for those of us who are parents or carers. Do we sometimes neglect our own mental health as we are so busy with our everyday lives and raising a family?

Here at Plantation, we promote the fact that mental health should be treated the same as physical health and if you need support, you should be able to get it without any feelings of fear or shame.

Unfortunately, in these testing times, accessing the right support can be tricky and it is easy to be overwhelmed when trying to find support. To help with this, we have produced a provision map (located at the bottom of this page) for adults to support good mental health.


The provision map will be reviewed and updated when appropriate. We have not included all the services out there as this would be overwhelming (the last thing you need if you are struggling) but rather give a few details of local and national services you can turn to for support, most of which we know have been accessed successfully by parents and carers in the past.

If you would like help accessing these services or would like to talk more about the provision available, please contact school and ask to speak to Mrs Fallows or a senior member of school staff.

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

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