Extended Hours - Information & Forms
If you require a paper copy of the information below please contact Mrs Skeggs.
Our pledge to you
We value our relationship with our parents, (by parents we include guardians, foster parents and others who have care responsibilities for children) and are committed to working in partnership with you to provide top quality play and care for your children.
We will:
Welcome you at all times to discuss our work, have a chat, or take part in activities
Keep you informed of opening times, fees and charges
Be consistent and reliable, to enable you to plan with confidence and peace of mind
Ask your permission for outings and special events
Listen to your views and concerns to ensure that we continue to meet your needs
Opening hours
Breakfast club operates from 7.45 a.m. to 8.45 .a.m. when the children are taken to their class.
After school club operates from 3.15 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday during term time only.
A contract must be completed for each child. It is the responsibility of the parent / carer to inform the school if any details provided to school in relation to their child change i.e. telephone numbers, medical information. All information provided is treated as confidential.
A Behaviour Contract must be signed by parent / carer and child.
Breakfast and After School clubs will use a waiting list system if places booked exceed agreed staff: pupil ratios.
As places are limited, parents / carers are required to book and pay for their child’s place for breakfast and afterschool club weekly in advance using Arbor.
We will not be able to accommodate ad hoc bookings unless there are exceptional circumstances and places are available. Please note that places will only be guaranteed once they are booked and paid. Please contact Mrs Skeggs, Extended Hours Manager, by calling the school number and selecting option 3 to discuss bookings.
Fees should be paid using Arbor.
Places booked must be paid for at the time of booking. Parents may also pay using childcare vouchers if they wish.
If a child is absent from the club for any reason, for example sickness, the full cost of the booking will be charged. Refunds will only be made if the provision is unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances i.e. school closure.
The current fees are as follows:
Breakfast Club £4.00 per session
After School Club £8.75 per session
Fees will be reviewed by Governors termly and parents will be informed of any changes at least one month before implementation.
Dropping off and collecting your child
Children should be dropped off and collected at the school’s entrance located near to the staff room and Year 1 classrooms. We are unable to admit children any earlier than 7.45 a.m. and children must be collected no later than 5.30 p.m. A £20 fee will be charged for late pick ups. If late collection becomes frequent, the School Operations Manager will have an informal chat to resolve the problem. If this fails, the matter will be referred to Governors. As a final resort, parents will be asked to withdraw their child from the club. If you are later than half an hour without informing us and we are unable to contact you, a referral to the duty social care team will be made.
The welfare of the children is our primary concern. The Out of Hours staff appreciate that children are very often subjected to long hours away from home and will ensure that where possible the club offers a ‘home from home’ environment.
All staff are DBS checked and have relevant training. All staff have undergone training in how to identify all kinds of abuse. If staff suspect any type of abuse they will convey their concern to the School Business Manager or other Senior Leader, who will talk to the parent in confidence. Social care and / or police will be notified. A record will be kept of any concerns. As with all records and information, strict confidentiality applies.
In case of an allegation made by a child against a member of the Out of Hour’s staff, the following procedure will apply:
The School Operations Manager or other Senior Leader will investigate and notify the Headteacher
Social care will be informed at the earliest opportunity
Ofsted will be informed at the earliest opportunity
Parents will be kept informed at all times
Administration of Medicines
The Out of Hours provision follows the school’s Administering Medication Policy. If your child needs to take medication whilst they are with us please discuss this with a member of staff who will explain the policy to you.
Jewellery may not be worn, with the exception of small studs or sleeper earrings.
First Aid
Staff are qualified to administer basic first aid. If they consider it necessary they will contact you to take your child to the doctor or hospital. If they are unable to get hold of you, or your named contact, and staff feel it necessary for your child to go to hospital, they will call 999 for an ambulance. All accidents, however minor, are recorded and an accident reporting form is sent home to parents.
Head Lice
If we notice lice in your child’s hair you will be informed and asked to treat your child before he / she returns. Infestation is no reflection of personal hygiene so do not feel embarrassed. Letters will be sent home to all other parents as general information to enable them to check their child’s hair that night.
Food and drink
A healthy breakfast and afternoon snack is served daily to children attending breakfast and after school club sessions. The food served complies with current School Food Standards. Should a menu be offered which deviates from the standards i.e. the serving of a party tea for a special occasion; parents will be informed in advance and have the right to withdraw their child.
Complaints and concerns
Plantation Primary School aims to provide the highest standard of care possible whilst your child is taking part in an Out of Hour’s club. However, if you are unhappy about any aspect of your child’s care please inform a member of staff immediately.
Children with Additional Needs
Parents who wish to purchase Out of Hours childcare for children with identified additional needs would need to seek support from Early Years Inclusion Officer to ensure parents are accessing relevant benefits (i.e. Disability Living Allowance) to support them to fully meet the financial costs of their childcare
Equal Opportunities
Plantation Primary School is an equal opportunity school and operates an equal opportunities policy towards parents and children. All are regarded as individuals regardless of sex, race, colour, gender, religion and culture and this is also reflected in our Out of Hours care.
Registration Form & Behaviour Contract
Please complete the below forms. Your child will not be able to start the provision until these forms are completed.
Breakfast, Afterschool Registration Form & Behaviour Agreement