Christmas Fayre and Christmas Jumper Day
Date of Fayre: Thursday, 5th December – during school day
Own clothes day on the day of the fayre which will be Christmas Jumper Day
Selection box for every child in school that day!
Stalls all 50p each – maximum amount to be brought in per child £5, please
Stalls (all 50p per go):
- Chocolate tombola (Friday, 29th November non uniform day for chocolate donations please)
- Guess the Teddy – 2 teddies
- Children’s Raffle
- Lucky dip
- Hook a Duck
- Guess the Weight of the Cake
- Sweets in a jar
Groups of our Year 6 pupils will be operating the stalls with staff throughout the day.
Each year group will have a set time in the school day to go round the fayre together to with their staff.