Plantation Planners
I have been listening to our children read over the past few weeks on a one-to-one basis and checking their planners at the same time too. It has been a real pleasure to sit down and listen to the children in this way and also great to see parents and carers using the planners to record home reading, home learning and passing on any messages.
Home-School Communication
I would be grateful if we could ensure that you use your child’s planner for any home school communication. Of course, if you need to speak with the teacher then that is fine and in order for the teacher to give you quality time please put a request in their planner.
Children’s independence
Part of our children’s learning is also so much about independence and resilience. Lots of little things help develop this, including our expectations of them. With this in mind, if you do put a note in your child’s planner make sure this is shared with your child and ask them to give it to the teacher. With this little bit of responsibility they will be great and are probably more likely to remember than us adults!
Regular Home Reading
I will be continuing to listen to children read throughout the year and check their planners too. Our expectation as a school is for your child to read at least four times a week and have this recorded in their planner – this is what I am looking for. This regular reading is excellent home learning and really supports your child across all their lessons.
Yes we are all busy. Our children are the most important people. Please make sure that time listening to your child read is a priority in your busy day.
Many thanks in anticipation of your support for your child!
Yours sincerely
Mr S Hanley, Headteacher