Normal home time routine for Friday 1st Feb
Home time thank you
Staggered home time 31/1/19
ICE - Pick up for Year 3 and Miss Dixon's Class
February Holiday Club
Internet Safety Letter - Please Read
The Friends of Plantation meeting
Children's flu vaccine
Foodbank - Thank you and opening times
Blooming Marvellous!
PTA Fundraising Football Cards
Christmas Jumper Day - tomorrow (Friday)
Toilets at Main Reception
Arts and Christmas Card Survey (Click on the link to complete)
Christmas Jumper day and supporting Knowsley Foodbank.
Christmas Cards and Waste
PTA Christmas Fair and Fundraising Activities
Britannica School
Message from our Chair of Governors
Equality and Diversity Week
Ofsted letter
Educate Awards Winner AGAIN!
Special Visitor
Looking after our School
Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH
0151 487 5678[email protected]