Staggered home time 31/1/19
Staggered home time due to adverse weather Thursday 31st January
Due to the ice on the school playgrounds they will be shut all day and we will be operating a staggered home time. Please see list of home times and locations for pick up below. PLEASE NOTE – where we can, we will be able to handover siblings too but please bear with us in ensuring all children leave safely and accounted for.
Nursery – normal time and exit
Reception – normal time for both classes but both from Mrs Ekoku’s usual exit
Year 1 – normal time from the staff room door
Year 2 – earlier time of 2.45pm from the School Office
Year 3 – earlier time of 3pm from the School Office
Year 4 – earlier time of 3pm from the side entrance (where children enter in the mornings)
Year 5 – normal time of 3.15pm from School Office
Year 6 – normal time and usual exit
Both Mr Hanley and Mr Boulton will be out and around school to support parents where necessary.
If you are unable to get here for the earlier times indicated above, please don’t worry as we will keep the children safe in school.
Thank you for your patience and consideration with this.