Lovely weather forecast - Important reminders
With the promise of nice, sunny weather all week, now seems like a good time to remind you about the following:
Water bottles - Please send your child to school with a water bottle with only water in - no juice, flavoured water or ice. Children may be able to refill the bottle at appropriate times of the day but should try to make it last.
Sun hats/caps and/or sunglasses - Children are able to bring in these items but they are responsible for them so we advise nothing too expensive.
Footware - Children must continue to wear appropriate footware - black shoes. Please no trainers and definitely no sandals as they do not provide the foot with appropriate support.
Sun Cream - If you feel it is necessary, you may send your child in with sun cream. Your child should use this only on themself and they will be responsible for applying it.
Enjoy the lovely weather
Mr Boulton