Dress Code
The school has an agreed standard of dress and items that form part of our school uniform, see below:
School Uniform
- Dark Green Cardigan/Sweatshirt
- White Blouse/Shirt (long or short sleeve)
- White Polo Shirt
- School Tie (optional)
- Long Grey Trousers
- Short Grey Trousers
- Grey Skirt or Pinafore
- Green Checked Summer Dress
- Footwear should be black without any other colour, and with low heels.
- Other items of school uniform are optional, e.g. reversible coats with the school logo and caps with the school logo, and these are available from stores.
PE Kit
Children are expected to change into shorts and tops for PE. The school PE Kit consists of white T-shirt and black shorts. PE is normally done in pumps. Trainers are suitable only for games lessons/outdoor activities. A Tracksuit and trainers are also needed for outdoor PE and would always be worn over the PE kit described above. It is possible to purchase a P.E. bag from the store of your choice.
Tights, underskirts, watches and jewellery must be removed for PE. Children should not be participating in PE lessons wearing clothing which is worn during the remainder of the school day. Long hair must be tied back.
Any child failing to provide kit on a regular basis (twice in succession) should be given a letter to take home to parents.
Dress Code
The above items are school uniform and it is the expectation that all children should be sent to school in the correct uniform and with the correct PE kit.
Make up and jewellery are not permitted (except stud earrings which the child must be able to remove independently for PE lessons and other physical activities). Children may wear a watch to school and this is encouraged to support learning, again, the child must be able to remove a watch independently for PE lessons and other physical activities.
Should a child attend with make up or jewellery they will be asked to remove them immediately.
Thank you for your support by sending your child to school with the correct uniform and clothing.