Thank you parents and carers
Dear Parents/Carers
You will, by now, be very aware of the proposed Government plans to gradually open schools in the near future.
The proposed date for this is 1st June, but this is dependent on Government measures indicating it is the right time to do so.
The proposals also state that schools will reopen in a phased way initially for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children. The Government also state that it is their ambition for all primary age children to be back in school for a month before the summer break.
As a school we await further guidance and detail to these proposals and I am sure you will have many questions, as do I.
Please know that as a school we hear the Government announcements as you do. I sat, as many of you will have done, at 7pm on Sunday evening to listen to the Prime Minister’s address. As such, we are working as hard as possible to look at the above proposals and formulate our plans for the reopening of our school.
While my daily commute to and from school has been much more pleasurable with quieter roads, as so many of you followed the advice to ‘Stay Home’; it has been hard to be at school without seeing the vast majority of our pupils. Both I and the whole staff team at Plantation have missed all our children immensely.
As such, I would love to able to welcome you all back as soon as possible. But you know as I do that this needs to be done in a safe and manageable way.
Any reopening of school can only happen when it is safe for children, staff and visitors; and when we do reopen, there will be many challenges for us all as school will operate very differently for some time.
Thank you for your support in keeping your children at home where you can.
Thank you to those parents/carers who could not stay at home and are making good use of our services as we support them in their essential work for the nation. We hope you stay safe as you go out to keep the nation safe.
Thank you fo engaging with our remote learning and all of you who have had to take up the job of teacher at home.
Thank you for all your patience and continued support.
Mr Hanley, Headteacher