School closure update 20th March
Please be advised that school will close at the usual times today (Friday 20th March) and will not reopen.
From Monday 23rd March onwards our school will only be accessible to staff and a limited number of children in key groups.
School will not be operating our usual curriculum and our hours of opening and closing will change. We will open at 8.50am and close at 3.15pm.
This partial opening of school will be subject to daily review and we must advise parents/carers that if staff:pupil ratios become critical then the school will close to all.
Due to limited capacity from Monday 23rd March onwards we strongly advise parents that if it is at all possible to be at home, then your child/children should be.
Below is a form for those parents/carers who believe they fall into the ‘key worker’ category. It must be completed by noon today in order for school planning. Please only complete the form if you absolutely require a place for your child/children and have no other means of childcare. All forms MUST include both parents’ occupations. Lone parent families will be able to indicate this on the form. You must complete this new form even if you have filled in the previous form.
COVID-19 Key Worker information request form
Again, due to limited capacity, we will prioritise care for children who we deem as most vulnerable and for those families where both parents/carers are key workers.
- Priority 1 – Our most vulnerable children, we will speak to these parents/carers directly due to the confidential nature of this group
- Priority 2 – BOTH parents/carers are key workers according to the government guidelines, single parent/carer family where the parent/carer is a key worker according to the government guidelines
- Priority 3 – ONE parent/carer is a key worker according to the government guidelines
Children should not be brought to school on Monday until their parents/carers have received confirmation of a place from School.
Thank you for your patience
Closure of educational settings: information for parents and carers, DfE