School Closure Day 2
Following the Prime Minister’s broadcast 8.30pm Monday 23rd March and the new stricter measures regarding social distancing and quarantine measures (otherwise referred to as 'lockdown') we urge all parents/carers to carefully consider their child's place at school.
Click here for full guidance on staying at home and away from others
While the guidance for schools and the guidance for parents/carers has not changed everyone must review if the place is essential. It is very clear, and always has been, that the safest place for your child is at home. School closed on Friday 20th March. School is open for children of key workers only and our most vulnerable children. This does not mean that these children must have a place. Families in these circumstances must carefully consider their childcare options and only bring their child/children to school as a last resort.
Our staff team are committed to supporting our school community.
Those staff with underlying medical conditions and those who are vulnerable themselves are not allowed to come to school but instead are supporting us by working from home, e.g. updating Home Learning and maintaining contact through our Twitter accounts.
Those staff who are able to come to work have worked together to create a rota of staffing to meet the needs of children attending school. This rota provides a skeleton staff as we do our best to minimise contact for them.
We urge all parents and carers to consider the risks of this unprecedented national and global crisis. Please help keep your family safe and your school safe. Only bring your child/children to school if you have no options of childcare at home. Thank you