Pupils plant trees to celebrate Queen's Platinum Jubilee
CHILDREN planting trees in honour of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee "feel very proud" because their legacy - and that of Her Majesty - will last a lifetime.
The schoolgirl, 10, said: “I feel very proud to be planting a tree for the jubilee as it will last a lifetime. If we don’t have trees we have nothing. Some people treat the environment well but a lot don't, which makes me feel really sad”.
Over 15 horse chestnut trees have taken root in Plantation Primary’s wooded reserve area, and there are plans to open a community veg garden this year.
The produce will be put into their “veg shack”, along with recipe cards for children and parents to take home, in a bid to encourage healthier eating.
Clare Jones, an outdoor provision coordinator at Plantation Primary School, said: ”It is a great honour to have the opportunity to plant trees to celebrate the jubilee as it is now a living legacy that all the children can look back on as they grow and move through school.
“It will be something that they can talk about later in life.”
Clare, 50, believes the outdoor spaces at school have helped children adjust to being back in full-time education following pandemic homeschooling.
She said: “Having that opportunity to access the outside is helping to rebuild resilience that has been impacted by lockdowns.
“We decided to join in with tree planting as part of the Queen's jubilee celebrations as we are very active in our outdoor areas.
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