The primary admissions allocation day will take place on Thursday 16 th April. All applicants, whether online or postal, will receive a letter with confirmation of their allocated primary school.
All allocation letters are being sent out, by 1 st class post, on Wednesday 15 th April and therefore applicants should receive confirmation of their allocation on Thursday 16 th April.
Online applicants will also receive an allocation confirmation email on the 16 th April, as well as their letter.
We urge parents not to call the Admissions Team until they have received their email or letterand/or have been to the website below to see if their query can be answered there.
A lot of information and FAQs, for example regarding the appeals process, can be found on the webpage, which has now been fully updated and expanded in light of the current situation.
Additional information regarding transition arrangements cannot be finalised at this moment.
Finally, please also note that due to social distancing measures, there are less staff available to take phone calls and respond to emails, therefore we are trying to alleviate the number of calls/emails the school receives by posting information via the school website and main Twitter account @PlantationPS and recommend checking these first for further updates.