PE kit
In Plantation Primary school we recognise the importance of PE as an integral part of the National Curriculum and as a way of preparing children for a happy and healthy life in modern Britain.
As a result we are dedicated to two hours of PE a week – one indoor and one outdoor. As a result, children must have an indoor PE kit (white t-shirt and black shorts) in school at all times and should bring in trainers on the day. When it is outdoor PE, they need to bring in a tracksuit (suitable to the weather) and trainers.
In order to promote the importance of bringing in PE kit, we are holding a competition over the next four weeks for Year 3 to 6. It will be called ‘Catherine’s Kit Comp’ as the idea came from one of our pupils.
Each class will start with 100 points and every time a child does not have full kit their class loses a point. The class with most points at the end of the four weeks will be able to come to school in sports clothing on a day you will be notified about.
Note – children are responsible for looking after and checking they have kit in school.
The only reason for a child not to do PE is a medical reason and this must come in the form of a letter from the parent / career.
I hope you will be able to support the school with this matter by ensuring your child has appropriate kit on the correct days. If unsure of the days please check the website or speak to your class teacher.