Lower School Poster Competition Reminder
Summer Fair Poster Competition – Lower School
Friday 14th June will be our whole school Summer Fair and we want the children to be a part of creating the event too.
We have asked our pupils in Upper School to think up, create, organise and run stalls.
We need our pupils in Lower School to design the poster for advertising the event.
The competition is open to all children in Years 1-3.
Your poster must be A4 size and two dimensional only (this is because we will make copies to put around school and place on our website).
You must include the following information (set out below in bold) clearly as part of your design:
- Date of the event Friday 14th June 2019
- Time of the event 3.30pm
- School name Plantation Primary School
Stalls so far include our very popular tombolas (chocolates, bottles, toiletries), bouncy castles, craft stall, refreshments, hot dogs and cakes. Other stalls will be down to the amazing ideas of Upper School pupils.
Poster designs must be handed in to your Class Teacher or the School Office on or before 9.30am, 10th May.
Please ensure you put your child’s name and the name of their Class Teacher on the back of your poster as without this we will be unable to include them in the competition.
The winning design will be used to publicise the event and the pupil will receive an art set as their prize.
While we do want the poster to be designed and created by the child, we would also encourage parents/carers to work with their child on the poster and help them with their ideas.
Good luck and we hope you can get involved!