Family Learning - Maths and Mental Health update from Vicky
Family Learning
Below you will find some information about the latest Family Learning courses on offer. Please get in touch if you would like any more information, or to book onto one of the FREE courses.
Key Stage 2 Maths (Year 3 – Year 6) - If you would like to know how you can support your child with learning the 4 rules of number (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), we offer a series of 2 workshops called ‘Key Stage 2 Maths’. These sessions are offered remotely via Zoom and take about 2 hours. You will be given information on how children in Key Stage 2 are taught maths, exploring a range of methods used in schools today. You will also receive ideas for how you can support your child.
Key Stage 2 Maths – 2 sessions
Tutor |
9.30am – 11.30am |
Friday 5th March – Session 1 Friday 12th March – Session 2 |
1pm -3pm |
Friday 5th March – Session 1 Friday 12th March – Session 2 |
Keeping Up With The Kids Maths - is a 5 week course covering all aspects of maths. We have an Early Years version for parents/carers of children in Nursery –Y2 and a Key Stage 2 version for parents/ carers of children in Y3 –Y6. You will be able to brush up your maths skills in order to be able to support your child more effectively. We will explore the latest teaching methods beng used in schools.You can do any or all of the courses on offer. We will provide you with the activities, instructions and resources, and support you to have a successful learning experience. The course is delivered via Zoom. You will meet for an hour per week as a group . See the timetable below for further details.
Keeping up with the kids Maths - Week commencing 22nd February 2021 - 5 weekly sessions
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
10am - 11am |
Annmaria KUWTK Numeracy Nursery –Y2
Vicky KUWTK Numeracy Nursery – Y2 |
Vicky KUWTK Numeracy Y3-Y6 |
1pm – 2pm |
Vicky KUWTK Numeracy Nursery – Y2 |
Annmaria KUWTK Numeracy Nursery –Y2 |
Vicky KUWTK Numeracy Y3-Y6 |
Vicky KUWTK Numeracy Nursery-Y2 |
Connect 5 - is a course to support families to develop their resilience and manage their emotional health and wellbeing more effectively. We have re-modelled the course for remote delivery via Zoom. It will run over 5 weeks with sessions lasting approximately one hour. The course gives parents/young people an understanding of mental health, it looks at the teenage brain and issues teenagers/young people face and offers strategies for managing stress and building resilience.
Connect 5 - 5 weekly sessions
1pm -2pm |
Dates for the course: Tuesday 23rd Feb, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd March 2021 |
Tutor - Vicky
To book a place choose the day/time which suits you best and ring/email the relevant tutor.
Annmaria - 07825 117 500 [email protected]
Vicky - 07825 117 487 [email protected]
ALL Family Learning courses are FREE to everyone. If you do not wish to use Zoom but would still like to take part in our courses, please get in touch and we can discuss other ways we can support you to take part. We look forward to working with you soon. 😊