Enquiries about end of year gifts for staff
Dear parent/carer
We have had a few enquiries about gifts for teachers at the end of the year.
This is an awkward message as there is no expectation that staff receive anything and we don’t expect it.
For those parents/carers who are currently attending school to drop off and pick up their children we would be happy for you to pass on gifts to staff in your child’s bubble only if you so wish. Some staff have mentioned that they believe covid-19 cannot be transmitted via wine bottles, flowers and chocolate boxes! We are not convinced of this and await a government announcement to confirm these rumours!!
We are humbled by the enquiries, particularly where parents have discussed their gratitude for the staff during the lockdown. Thank you for asking!
For those parents/carers who are not currently attending school with their child it is with a heavy heart that we will have to ask that the children do not get a present for the teacher at the end of this year.
Current school safety planning limits the amount of people we have on site, avoiding non-essential visits. Unfortunately, dropping off gift would count as non-essential visit - though some staff may dispute this!
Also a number of our staff are not attending school currently so they would be unable to pick up any gifts brought into school. We did think about possibly bringing in any gifts in autumn but the September opening guidelines make it clear that school will still be operating our bubbles (in a new larger format) so this again will not be possible.
We are also aware that these are difficult times for a lot of people and we do not want parents/carers to feel they need to spend money on a gift for staff.
As many families are in hard times because of the pandemic we are aware how important it is now more than ever to support charity organisations.
If you would like to, and are able to, we would ask you consider an alternative of a donation to the Knowsley Food bank (money or food). They can be contacted on
Or Email - [email protected]
Alternatively, you may prefer to donate the money you would have spent on the gift to another charity of your choice.
Apologies that we are not able to accept any gifts this year and we hope this does not upset any children but we can at least try to support those that need the most support in our community.
Thank you
Mr Hanley and Mr Boulton