Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day Monday 15th November
Dear Parent(s)/Carers,
Next week is Anti-Bullying week in Plantation (and nationally) with the theme being One Kind Word. This fits in well with our Super Values of Respect, Determination, Kindness and Honesty.
Part of this week is Odd Socks Day on Monday 15th November. Below is a link to the relevant page of the website.
On the flyer it mentions a £1 donation to the Anti Bullying Alliance. This is optional and money should not be brought into school. Donations can be made on the following like under the 'Get Involved' section:
The basic idea is that children can wear odd socks to school on Monday to demonstrate we are all different and that is good. The socks might be odd in that they are different colours or odd in that they are bright, colourful, or wacky!
Children should wear normal school uniform apart from the socks.
There is also a link to a very useful parent pack on the following link to the shool website:
We look forward to seeing your odd socks on Monday.
Kind Regards
Mr Boulton