School closure - Tips for talking to your child about coronavirus
Good morning to all of our school community!
Is it only week 2?!? We hope that you are keeping well, staying safe and only going out when it is necessary. How many of you have now taken up jogging?
Our staff continue to post Home Learning on the class blog pages – these are posted on class A of each year group, e.g. Year 3 children will find posts in class 3A only. Staff are also busily Tweeting ideas and links to support your child’s learning at home – it has been great to see some of our pupils in your posts so thank you to you!
As well as keeping our academic learning going we must also be mindful of our emotional wellbeing at this time more than ever. Please see the quote below from Young Minds – a website with tips on talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing:
“Your child may understandably be concerned or worried by what they see, read or hear in the news, online or at school regarding coronavirus (covid-19). As a parent or carer, it’s good to talk to them honestly but calmly about what is happening, and to not ignore or shield them from what is going on in the world. Children look to adults in their life for comfort when they are distressed, and will take a lead on how to view things from you. Remember, you don’t have to have all the answers, but it is better to have a gentle conversation to reassure your child that they can talk to you so they don’t feel like they’re on their own.”
To get further ideas and help please visit the Young Minds website using the link below: