Coronavirus Update Message 19.03.20

Following the announcement that school closures in England will come into force from this Friday, we can confirm that school will be closed to the vast majority of pupils once we finish at normal times this Friday 20th March.

Notifying us of children of ‘Key Workers’

At the time of posting this, we still do not have a list of ‘key workers’ or a definition of ‘most vulnerable children’ from central government or the DfE.  An indication of key workers are: social care workers, school staff, NHS staff, Emergency Services staff, delivery drivers.

If you fall in one of these key worker categories, please complete the online form below before 4.30pm today.Once we get a definitive list from the DfE or Central Government we will update this on our website


Medically vulnerable children

Children with the following medical conditions have been identified as vulnerable and so should not attend once the school closes.

· Asthma

· Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

· Emphysema or bronchitis

· Chronic heart disease, such as heart failure

· Chronic kidney disease

· Chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis

· Chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s Disease

· Motor neurone disease

· Multiple sclerosis (MS)

· Cerebral palsy

· Diabetes

· Problems with your spleen, e.g. sickle cell, or if you have had your spleen removed.

· Weakened immune system

· On medicine such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy

Home Learning Packs

Home Learning Packs will be sent home today (Thursday 19th) and a second opportunity to send out again tomorrow (Friday 20th).  Class Teachers will load electronic copies onto their Class Blog pages on the school website.  Please keep checking Class Blogs and Class Twitter feeds for updates on work opportunities that we upload.

Residential Trips (Robinwood 1-3 April) and Conwy (29 April – 1 May)

At present, Conwy Centre has not advised us of a closure.  This will clearly be something we will review over time as school closure continues.

Robinwood - now school closures have been announced the trip will not be going ahead.  We will contact parents/carers in due course as we speak to our insurers.

Holiday Club – Easter 

Our Holiday Club provision over Easter will be cancelled.  This is due to the uncertainty of what provision schools will need to have during the Easter break.  Any parents who have booked and paid for sessions will receive a refund over the next week.

Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

· new continuous cough and/or

· high temperature

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection.

Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. There is no evidence that children are more affected than other age groups – and it is important to remember that very few cases have been reported in children so far. Any queries, please call NHS 111 or access their online service 


If you or a family member present with these symptoms the advice of health professionals is that the whole household is to self-isolate for 14 days.  This may be a situation where just one person at home has the symptoms above, but the whole household must self isolate. Guidance on

Updates and information

We will continue to provide updates on this issue through our school website and Twitter account @PlantationPS – we will not be sending letters home as information can quickly change and letters become inaccurate.

Please note that all News Flash reports are available on our News section:  

Thank you for your continued support and your understanding in this matter.  As always, please access the following websites for the most recent advice and guidance from Public Health England and GOV.UK:


Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

Report an Absence

Child Absence Form