Knowsley Music Education Hub

Knowsley Music Education Hub Ensembles 2015 / 2016

Musical Mondays at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Centre CFL, Cumber Lane,  Whiston, L35 2XG

Contact: Phil Nicholas 07815 722 291 email: [email protected]

Musical Mondays is a term time music centre open to young musicians. The evening starts with our ‘Tutti’ groups for beginner musicians and continues with the more experienced group ‘Forte’ for Grade 1 standard and above. Please see the following for timings and instrumentation:

Tutti Brass 4:30-6:00pm

For Cornet, Trumpet, Trombone, Tenor Horn and Tuba.

Tutti Woodwind 4:30-6:00pm

For Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone.

Tutti Strings 4:30-6:00pm

For Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass.

Forte 6:30-8:00pm

For all instrumentalists Grade 1 standard and above.


Wednesdays at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic CFL

Keybordz 3:30-4:30pm

Contact: Jane Hamer 07919298504 email: [email protected]

A keyboard club for beginners to advanced playing a variety of popular music written for the different abilities within the group.

Wednesdays at Lord Derby Academy, Seel Road, Huyton, L36 6DG

Glee Club 4:30 - 6:00pm (Ages 11 – 22)

Contact: Phil Nicholas 07815 722 291 email: [email protected]

Knowsley Glee Club is an inclusive group encouraging pupils of all abilities to join, giving everyone a chance to shine, with a love of singing and performing as the only pre-requisite. The singers have a big say in the music they perform with arrangements of favourite songs and mash-ups from popular, chart-topping artists like Adele, Michael Jackson and Beyonce.


Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

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